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"The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." Pr. 11:25

Museum Importance


To an individual, a museum exhibit provides the context in which an object can invoke a sense of connection with history.  This encounter with history provides a cultural identity that reflects one’s heritage, and an understanding of its significance to humanity.  Moreover, museums provide historical context, conservation, and preservation of their collections.


There are three broader benefits that a museum brings to the local community:

  • Social, cultural, and educational
  • Economic and regeneration
  • Political and corporate incentives


Museum development provides economic value to the community and a continuing cycle of regeneration benefits: Attracts visitors> Attracts people to work> Attracts people to live> and Develops destination economy.  The Public Historian advocates the preservation of historical resources and presents research-based historical narratives responsible to the public.  Moreover, employ ethics that are congenial to the public’s cultural history or demography while maintaining integrity with clients and colleagues.


Library Importance


In ancient Egypt, there existed the great Library of Alexandria containing scrolls of antiquity.  Other legendary and ancient libraries existed such as Ashurbanipal, Pergamum, the Libraries of Trajan’s Forum, and the Imperial Library of Constantinople.  The historical Church maintains the Vatican Library which houses documents from the Middle Ages.  We now have the Library of Congress, as well as many Presidential and dignitary libraries that honor people like Billy Graham.  There are the university, science, and law libraries, as well as public and private libraries like the British Library and the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA (a place concept model).  Moreover, libraries provide access to information for free.


Today, there are many digital libraries like that of Fordham, that focus their historical archives on Latin texts, Perseus, on Greek texts, and Christian Classics Ethereal Library that as so named contains Christian classics (also a concept model of material).  However, our digital world does not negate the importance or enjoyment of a tangible repository of Holy Writ (Scriptures) and classical Christian books.  Museum and Library of the Bible's hope are to help restore the legitimacy the Bible once had in early Americana.

Please contact me if you are a funding institution and feel that you can help make this a reality.

Promo for the endeavor...




As the Bible mentions that every believer’s names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, it is only fitting there be a Museum and Library of the Bible.  A commemoration to the books of all books, that have impacted history, and what writings have touched the hearts and changed the lives of millions over 3 millennia, through today. A concept model brick-and-mortar library may be the Lanier Theological Library in TX or The Morgan in NY.  A concept model museum is the Museum of the Bible in D.C.  Moreover, possibly expand with the concept model of a botanical garden as The Arboretum in CA but include plants of the Bible.  So what makes the Museum and Library of the Bible different or unique?  Located on the west coast, we endeavor to complement the museum and library with a botanical garden.  We endeavor to provide free access online to historical information and archive of bibles for research and preservation.  Yet, in contrast with the digital world, we also hope to make the Museum and Library of the Bible a more tangible learning experience of the Bible’s history.  We aim to cultivate a natural, horticultural, and historic environment for your enjoyment and inspiration, additionally, offer membership, programs/symposiums, and facility rental. The goals are scalable and flexible, contingent upon needs and support.  As finances permit, we would like to expand to create a peaceful and serene place open to the public for leisure.  We desire to highlight a botanical garden with plants of the Bible, a bird sanctuary, an arboretum with many trees, a lake, grassy knolls, a Bible museum, and a library.  A place where people can explore, learn, and be inspired.